Sunday, November 17, 2013

Marriage is a school

Copy from dr Halina blog: 

Marriage is a school where you get the certificate before you start. 
A school where you will never graduate. 
A school without a break or a free period. 
A school where no one is allowed to drop out. 
A school which you will have to attend every day of your life. 
A school where there is no sick leave or holidays. 
A school founded by the Almighty:
1. On the foundation of love, 
2. The walls made of trust,
3. The door made of acceptance, 
4. The windows made of understanding. 
5. The furniture made of blessings. 
6. The roof made of faith. 
Before you forget, you are just a student not the principal. The Almighty is the principal.
Even at times of a storm, don’t be unwise and run outside.
Remember this school is the safest place to be. 
Never go to sleep before completing your assignments for the day. 
Never forget the C-word, communicate, communicate, communicate with your classmate and with the Principal.
If you find something in your classmate (spouse) that you do not appreciate, remember your classmate is also just a student not a graduate. The Almighty is not finished with him/her yet, so take it as a challenge and work on it together. 
Do not forget to study, study, study the Noble Book (the main textbook in this school). 
Start each day with a sacred assembly and end it the same way.
Sometimes you will feel like not attending class, yet you have to.
When tempted to quit find the courage and continue. 
Some tests and exams may be tough but remember the Principal knows how much you can bear. 
Still, it is one of the best schools on earth; joy, peace and happiness accompany each lesson of the day. 
Different subjects are offered in this school, yet love is the major subject. 
After all the years of being theoretical about it, now you have a chance to practice it. 
To be loved is a good thing, but to love is the greatest privilege of them all. 
Marriage is a place of love, so love your spouse but remember: “This class doesn’t involve a person who is not permitted into it”! If you invite your mother or father or your friends to this class,   or anyone who is not allowed to be there, you will fail the exam. 
It is you who should attend and it is you who will pass. 
Its your choice today:” build it or break it”. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Nina tunang

Lama btol x update..... Ari tu semangat sgt nk berblog , sudahnye ade 2 3 je update pastu senyap trus.... Bz..... Nk update gambo2 time tunang adik ipar. Tepek gambo je la... A picture worth a thousand .... word ke sentence lupe dah perumpaan omputih ni . Kena google jap agi... Dh lama x guna bhs ilang gitu je la... Same la ngan quran or bhs arab... Gitu la kalo lama x bc quran..... Lelama lehh sangkut2...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Inject 4 month

Dina dh inject 4 monthnye injection. Nangis kejap , time 3 bulan ari tu x nangis langsung ilek je. Dina skang dh 6.56 kg, panjang dh 60 cm n ukur lilit kepala dia 41.5cm. Semo normal n within average dr. ckp , alhamdullillah semo normal.  Yana dh 14.7 kg , makin berat yana ni tp tgk mcm dh kurus sket. Dia makin pjg sket, skang dh kurang mkn nasi nk mkn sayur n lauk je. Yg lawak kadang dia mkn asing, mkn lauk n sayur dulu pastu br nasi je. Yana demam mlm last few days tu yg bwk dia g klinik. Confirm kena nab Yana ni kalo dia demam kahak byk. Ari ni dina demam, x sure sbb injection tu ke sbb jangkit dgn yana. Some pic of dina n yana

Saturday, May 11, 2013

1st week dina kt taska

Lama btol x update blog. Last update 24 march , hari ni dh 12 mei. Sebulan lebih. Ni update sbb nk cite psal ebm dina kt taska. Br 3 hari hantar taska rasa cam confused camne dia manage ebm tu. 1st day bg 9 botol yg ade 3 0z susu semo habis. Dina minum 27 oz tu , 9 x nyusu dr kol 7 am till 6pm. Sejam sekali ke dia minum ???? ... Ernm paatu esoknye kurangkan sket amaun , 2.5 oz 4 botol n 5 botol 3 oz pon habis gak. Kalo kira total semo 25 oz habis. Next day bg 2oz x 12 botol = 24 oz. errmm siap call x ckup susu. Byk btol dina minum ke diaorg ni tgk dia bgn je bg susu. Xtau la kan kot2 mmg dia nangis lapo sampai 10x minum. Hopefully esok leh control sket stock ebm ni. Nk try 4oz lak tgk esok camne lak. Yg plg xleh lupa this week dina jatuh katil. Dia dh bole meniarap ...., gambo2 dina last few weeks as below:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Akikah Dina

Hari ni wat akikah dina n ameera kt kg muar. Asalnye nk wat cukur jambul n kenduri doa selamat je tp alang2 n last minute tuka jd kenduri akikah. Alhamdullillah dh setel semo , moga mendapat keberkatan.xde amik gambo rugi plak rasenye tp ade video ok la leh tgk lagi next time. Penatnye hari ni........ Hari ni bc fevret blog which is blog dr harlina , diaorg wat shooting tuk program romantika kt bali. Bunyi cam best x sure leh tgk ke x 9 april ni kt mustika hopefully bole tgk.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Thesis thesis

Update tuk diri sendri. 1st chapter which is introduction must be complete by this week. Can I ? Uuuuuu kena stay up memlm tuk wat ni. So azam tuk this week bgn memlm taip some thesis while pumping tuk stock ebm dina.

Dina still demam lagi

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dina demam

Hari ni Dina Dini dh 63 hari. Demam lagi smlm dh sehat tp hari ni sambung demam blk. Memula aleeya yg demam so jangkit kt Dini , aleeya dh baik demam tp dina blom..... Tgh pk risau dh kurang minum, bf pon dia slow , susu pam pon dia xnak . Susu ebm ni kalo dh thaw leh thn sehari je, even 1 oz pon rase rugi x habiskan.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dina dh 2 bulan.

Kejap je rasenye dh 2 bulan. Nk xtand curi tp surat x wat lg . Stock susu pon br ade 10 botol yg 2 oz. adusss..... Time planning x btol. Tgk kt blog dr harlina tu stok susu dia byk cam susun file . Camne ni, pam dh beli yg ok, time pump la x btol. Alarm dh byk kali set nk bgn pump tp sudahnye tido balik… pls wake up yea tonite. Pls ingat stok susu tuk dina dini. Abis cite psal sendri cite psal dina dina lak. Nape panggil dina dini sbb mama slalu tersasul sebut yana n dina. Picture dina dh 2 bulan - this little girl dh 4.2 kg n almost everyday siang hari kol 1 till 5 pm xnak tido. Mcm suara dia wat layan je la. Mama nk wat keje pon x jd .... Adus camne nk siapkan thesis ni

Monday, February 4, 2013

Dina br sebulan , abah dh outstation

Dina br je sebulan, abah dh outstation. Lom habis pantang dh kena tinggal ngan bebudak ni. Huru hara rasenye, mlm je x pantang dh melayan dak 2 org tu. penatnye ..... Mlm x ckup tido. Seb baik siang diaorg g skolah. Letak gambo dina sebulan

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Dina dh 10 hari

Dina dh 10 hari.... Nama baby yg no.3 ni Nur Hana Irdina. Nk tuka ardina , abah dia x nak tu blom lagi mintak tuka ardini.... Nama dina dkt2 nama Yana , baru 10 hari dh tertuka sebut Yana, nk je tuka panggil dini.... Then dulu aim kalo hias bilik diaorg bole la letak huruf A beso dlm frame tu since dh ade dina yg start uruf i ermm kena tuka idea. Kalo x bley je wat Aleeya, Ariana dan Adrina. Kan cantik kalo camtu tp dh wat surat beranak dia Nur Hana Irdina..... So far baby ni x byk karenah. Nangis time lapo n nk tuka pampers. Suara dia kuat btol cam Yana time baby dulu. Kalo pas mandi confirm nangis sbb dia x tahan sejuk , kena off kipas kalo nk pakaikan baju..... Hari ni Yana jatuh katil benjol kt dahi dia. Xtau la camne diaorg main lompat2 kt katil kt atas sampai aleua leh tertolak Yana jatuh dr katil. Nk post gambo benjol dahi dia n gambo cik Dina yg dh 10 hari.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

3rd girl....

Alhamdullillah....... Segala puji bg Allah...., Akhirnya pas tunggu seharian , selamat besalin anak no.3 ermmmm....... Xtau nk ckp camne rase sakitnya kena induce n most of all rase sakit contraction from 6cm to 8cm. Then bile dh 8 cm dh nk teran..... Nurse x kasik. Doc ct pon xde lagi… sedut gas byk btol..... Rasenya x sampai bape minit doc naik, dh trus teran even dia x kasik. So tear la....... X sempat doc nk wat epi. Nk paste gambo this cute litte baby. Lom sempat nk godek camne nk paste gambo n wat details gambo cam kt laptop. Ni gune tepon try je ape yg bole dulu. Dh nk kol 12am kena tido skang kang kol 3 nk bgn bf baby. Target full bf must complished for baby comel ni. Dh beli pump medelafs , semangat kena tinggi ........ Gambo baby girl that born on 8 Jan 2013, kol 10.15am .Pic as per below:

Monday, January 7, 2013

Waiting for 3rd baby

Baru je donlod apps tuk blogger kt tepon, dh puas godek sana sini nk post guna tepon. Skang kt ospital .... Br pas kena masuk ubat induce.... Sakit mmg sakit la, dh beranak mmg la sakit tp tahan je la. Nnt dh tgk baby ilang semo sakit...... Sambil2 tunggu ni , nk godek lak camne nk paste gambo. Ermmm nk letak gambo yana g skolah pagi ni. Semangat dia nk g skolah.... Even mlm tadi demam , pg ni ckp penin n sakit pala tp dia yg siap duly siap ckp cepat la aleeya.....